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Showing posts from September, 2022

About Me

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Welcome to My Learning
Hi everyone! I normally go by Allie in class and I am in my junior year of my Early Childhood and Special Education degree. I have aspirations to gain my Master's degree and pursue a career in Special Education.

Week 6 Reflection

 On Wednesday, we talked more about aligning objectives and standards with each other. We went over examples and then created our own objectives with coordinating standards. Cameron and I had to create a standard that compared and contrasted two different stories that are similar. We chose Disney's Cinderella and Disney's Enchanted. Both stories have a similar plot and theme yet there are many differences. We used a Venn Diagram in our objective as a comparison mechanism so it aligned directly. It is important to do this for students to understand why they are doing activities as well as give teachers the chance to organize their standards.  We then also touched on the backward design for aligning the standard and objective. This includes identifying desired results which means the big ideas and skills. Next is to determine acceptable evidence and then plan learning experiences and instruction. This backward design makes sure that the standards and objectives are aligned and t...

Week 5 Reflection

  It is important to set up learning objectives because its set for students to understand why they are learning and what they will be able to do after a lesson is complete. By taking time to address every aspect of an objective, it will be student-centered, actionable, and measurable. The ABCD formula is a guideline to make sure this happens when creating objectives. A stands for the audience, who is this applying to. This can be for one student or multiple. B stands for behavior which means what they will be able to do. This touches on what subject and skill they will be introduced to or practice mastery of. C stands for conditions, for example, materials, or time limitations. And finally, D stands for the degree, or the level and criteria. These can be specified as speed, accuracy, or quality. An example of a learning objective using the ABCD model would include, students, filling in names of states, in five minutes or less, with a 90% accuracy.  By considering every aspect...

Week Four Reflection


Week 3 Reflection


Week 2 Reflection

Week 2 Reflection- Allison Beimel